Privacy Policy

Security and Privacy is 100% Guaranteed

We are committed to your privacy and security. When you shop at beautyblush, your security and privacy is 100% guaranteed. Your personal information is used to process your order, and beautyblush will not share or exchange online information that you provide us with a third party unless you provide prior consent. All transactions are 100% safe and secure. Order details are encrypted with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) by Shopify, an industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy and practices, please contact us.


All orders and personal information is protected at beautyblush by the industry standard Secure Server Software. All information is encrypted to protect all personal data from being available to anyone on the internet. All information is guaranteed to be protected and 100% secure.

Your Information is Kept Private

All information you submit will be stored for internal purposes only in an effort to better serve you. None of your personal information will be distributed or shared with any third party or outside companies. All policies and procedures are exercised by beautyblush in order to keep our customers’ privacy safe.